Age, weight, height, distance and pretty much any other numerical value can be stored in this field type, allowing you to use in reports and perform mathematical operations on.
Creating a Number field
- Under any list click on fields
- Click + Create New Field
- Type in a field name
- From “Field Type” Drop Down List select “Number”
- Click “New Field” and you’re good to go!
Field Options
- In the field options menu you will see the field Symbol
- You can type anything you like in this field and it will appear next to all numbers under that field.
- E.g. if you type kg, the numbers will look like this 73 kg
- Type % in the symbol to let your team know that the number here reflects a percentage.
- Type “ in the field to let your team know that the length or height is measured in Inches.
- This option determines how many digits after the decimal point will be displayed.
- It helps keep a clean table if fractions are not important.