For your due dates, contract end date, deal closure date, scheduled meetings or even birthdays, this field will let you easily store and read any date related data.
Creating a Date field
- Under any list click on fields
- Click + Create New Field
- Type in a field name
- From “Field Type” Drop Down List select “Date”
- Click “New Field” and you’re good to go.
- You can toggle “Add Time” if you’d like to add time alongside the date.
Due Date
- Every task list has a due date field created by default
- The due date’s color will change according to its relation with the current date
- If it’s in the past it will turn Red
- If it’s today it will turn Green
- You can filter according to it in My Work.
Start & End dates
In Timeline and Calendar views you can select a Start and an End Date
- Each record displayed in those views is represented as a bar
- The bar starting point is the designated start date
- The bar end point is the designated end date
Creation Date
This is an automatically generated system field that shows the record creation date.
Last Modified Date
A system field that holds shows the last date and time any field in the record was modified
Last Activity Date
Any activity related to the record including leaving a comment will update the date and time in this system field.