Default Value

Default value is found as an option for some field types, it ensures that the field has a value even if the user leaves it empty while creating the record.

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How to use

Type How to set Default Example Recording
  • Toggle “Set Default” option
  • Then select any of the values in the drop down, and you’re good to go.
In a task list you can make all the created tasks due date as tomorrow, this way no new task will be without a due date.
Static List
  • Toggle “Set Default” option
  • Then Select an option from the list to have it as the default value.
In CRM newly created leads can have its status set to “New lead” by default.
  • Default value is mandatory for status
  • The first option in the status list will be put there by default
This will ensure that any task or record created in any of your processes always starts with a designated status.
  • Toggle “Set Default value as Creator”
  • This will always assign the user who creates the record to this field by default.
If the team creates their own task it’s very useful to toggle this option, this way it will get assigned to them automatically.
  • Toggle “Set Default value as Creator”
  • Start adding items to the checklist and we will find them every time you create a new record
This is particularly useful if you have the same checklist for every record, or at least common items for all checklists in a list.
  • Default value is mandatory when formula is used in the Main Field
Main field in any record can’t be empty, thus even when the formula returns nothing there should be a default value.
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