Multi User

After you’re done inviting your teammates to your workspace you can use this field to select multiple users to link them to a record

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Creating a Multi User field

  • Under any list click on fields
  • Click + Create New Field
  • Type in a field name
  • From “Field Type” Drop Down List select “Multi User”
  • Click “New Field” and you’re good to go!

Field Options

Notify user when set

  • This option is disabled by default
  • When enabled it will send notification to any user that gets assigned to this field

Default Value

  • The option for default value with the user type field is “Set default value as creator“
  • When this is enabled any user that creates a record will be assigned to that user.

Auto Assign Users

You can use automation to assign more users to the same record or task, all you need to do is:

  • While configuring your automation, in any field mapping step
  • Select the source of the user you'd like to add to the field
  • Keep the append option checked if you want the user to be added to the existing assignees
  • If you uncheck the option the last user will replace all users in the field.
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