
Let’s say you used a linked list to connect all the invoices issued for a specific project, and easily get the Sum of all of those invoices using Rollup, not only Sum, Average, Min, Max and Count.

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Creating a Rollup field

  • To be able to use a Rollup you should have
    • a Linked List field in the same list
    • The linked list should have at least one numeric field (i.e. Currency or Number)
  • Under any list click on fields
  • Click + Create New Field
  • Type in a field name
  • From “Field Type” Drop Down List select “Rollup”
    • Next you will select the Linked List that has the numeric field 
    • Then you will select the field from the linked list that you’d like to Rollup
    • Then you select the Rollup type from the drop down list
      • Sum: Gives the total of all values in the selected field from linked records
      • Average:  Gives the average of all values in the selected field from linked records
      • Min: Gives the minimum value from all values in the selected field from linked records
      • Max: Gives the maximum value from all values in the selected field from linked records
      • Count: Gives the count linked records with non-empty values in the selected field.
  • Once you’ve taken those steps, you’re good to go!

Case Studies

Case 1

  • Install the SaaS Product Management Module
  • Go to the Features list
  • Find the field named “Estimated Effort”, you will notice the following:
    • The field is of type Rollup
    • It gives you the total of all Estimations of the linked Isseus.
    • This gives you a better idea of how much your team needs to complete this feature.

Case 2

  • Install the CRM Module
  • Go to the Sales App
  • Go to deals list
  • Under the list look for the “Calculated Amount” field, you will notice the following:
    • The field is of type Rollup
    • It gives the total of the Prices of all Products connected through the Products Field.
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