Document View

Document View provides the flexibility and power of documents, allowing you to create anything from an invoice to a medical report using the data from your workspace.

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Document View GIF

Creating a Document View

  1. Under any list, click on the + View button.
  2. Name the view.
  3. Select Document.
  4. Click Create, and you’re good to go.


You can edit your document view to create a template that displays data uniformly for all records. Simply click Edit Template and start customizing.

Adding Blocks

Using a variety of building blocks, you can create the document view you like. To start adding blocks, either click the “+” at the beginning of any line or simply press “/” on your keyboard.

Block Options

Click on the handler next to a block to access its options. Each block has customizable options to help you achieve the best outcome.

Blocks Options GIF

Block Types

Type Options
Text You can highlight text to get text formatting options.
Table You can select the first row as a header and add borders to your table.
List You can choose between ordered or unordered lists.
Image Borders (add borders to your image), Stretch image to fill width, Background (add a background behind the image).
Code Write your code in a format that is easy to read and copy.
Raw HTML This block ensures that sharing HTML code is as readable as possible.
Spacer Use the spacer to increase the vertical space between blocks, and easily adjust the height.
Warning This is the best way to catch the reader’s attention by making specific text stand out with a strong color.

Adding Fields to Your Document

You can use fields from your list to display data in the document based on their values in the record you’re currently viewing.

  1. Click the “+” at the beginning of any line, or press “/” on your keyboard.
  2. Start typing the name of the field.
  3. Select the field.
  4. When you save the template, the value of this field will change based on its value in the record you’re currently on.

Example: If you add the field Status, every time you visit a different task or record, the status will be reflected in the document view.

Adding Field GIF

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