Calendar View

The calendar view allows you to visualize your data in a calendar format of the day, week, month, or year.

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If you have at least one date field in your list, you can create a calendar view. The calendar view allows you to visualize your data in a calendar format of the day, week, month, or year.

We designed the calendar view, so teams with time sensitive workflows can get extra insights from their data while developing efficient and tailor-made calendars. We also took into consideration complex organizations, so we added record colouring to enable our users to code their records based on a static list field such as 'Status'.

In order to create timelines, you also have the option to select 'End Date Field' for your records.

Using the calendar view you can filter your data based on date ranges, departments, data fields as well as the ability to plot date field from your list on a calendar.

So, let’s waste no more time and formally introduce you to the calendar view:

Creating a calendar view

To create a new calendar view, click on the “New View” link in the view bar, then choose the "Calendar" option from list of options.

Note: The list have to contain at least one field with date type.

You will then be prompted to select a name for the view, select one of the list’s date fields as a start point and one of the static list fields to colour code your calendar records.

Once the date fields have been selected, your calendar view will populate with the records from the selected date field. You can drag and drop records on the calendar to change their selected date fields.

Note: If you have a date range for your records, you can click on 'Set End Date' to choose the end date.

To change the calendar view's associated date field click the view edit button of the calendar view. This will bring up the calendar prompt and from there select another date field. Also from the same prompt, you can delete the view.

Day, Week, Month Modes

Records’ duration is important, whether they span over a few hours, days, or weeks, and sometimes you would need to have a look at the big picture, and at others you might need to have a closer look. Accordingly, we have designed the calendar view to show several modes. By choosing the available options in the upper menu, a different level of granularity will appear.  

Note that if you are using the daily or weekly mode, the time of the date field will be plotted too.

Viewing Records

To view the details of a plotted record on a calendar view simply click on the designated card to open the record view. Or select the record you want to open on the right side bar.  

Editing Records' Dates in calendar view

You can add a record to a date or change it by dragging it from the right panel to desired time slot. If you have one date field for the calendar, the date field for the new record will be automatically be set to the date that was clicked.

Clicking and dragging a card on the calendar will also reschedule the event, editing the value in its date field.

Please note, that like all changes you make on a calendar view will also be reflected in other views!

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