
The dashboard feature will help you gather the most important reports in one place to quickly get the most crucial insights

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Dashboard 📊

Main functionality

  1. To collect reports from different Apps and list and present them in one customizable page

How to use

  1. Click Dashboards from the Sidebar
  2. Click + Dashboard
  3. Select the:
    3.1.  Name
    3.2. Color
    3.3. Icon
    3.4. Description
  4. Then click Create The add report dialogue will appear
  5. Start by selecting the app under which the report you’d like to add is located
  6. Check all the reports you’d like to add
  7. Then click done, All the reports you selected will be stored in the dashboard

Sharing options:

  1. You can also share the  dashboard with your teammates
  2. You can invite them either as:
    2.1. Owner: They can edit any and everything in the dashboard
    2.2. Read only: They will only have view access to the dashboard
  3. You Can download the dashboard as PDF and share it as an attachment anywhere.

Customize dashboard

  1. You can drag and drop reports to change their locations.
  2. You can also expand/minimize most report types.

Pin to Dashboard 📌

Reports can be easily added to dashboard by:

  1. Going to the report
  2. Click on the three dots menu
  3. Click pin to dashboard
  4. Select the Dashboard you’d like to pin the report to.

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