Report Frequency Feature

Many report types become more valuable with a time-based grouping option. The report frequency option meets this need in an easy-to configure way.

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Reporting the monthly sales performance? Yearly number of projects completed? Daily number of demo calls? Weekly spending of all marketing campaigns? 

Now it is a lot easier to set up a time-based reports in Workiom. When you are creating a Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Stacked Bar Chart or Table Report. All you need to do is to select the date field for the grouping and then select the Frequency of the report grouping.

In the example below we create a report for monthly sum of deal values. We group the deals by their End Date and select the monthly frequency:

monthly frequency example


Frequency option is a powerful combination with the filters option we have in the reports.

In another example, we are creating a report for daily number of sales calls. We add two filters; only show the 'Done' calls and the calls in the last 7 days:

daily frequency example

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