Stacked Bar Chart

A stacked bar chart is a type of graph that displays multiple categories of data as bars stacked on top of each other. Each bar segment represents a portion of the whole, and the height of the bar represents the total of all segments. Use stacked bar chart for a holistic view of data breakdown.

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Creating a Stacked Bar Chart widget

  • Under any App, go to reports
  • Click + Report
  • Name your report
  • Select the list you want to get the data from.
  • From the Chart Type, select Stacked Bar Chart
  • Then continue to configure it


Applying a mathematical function to all values in each group, e.g. get a total of all values, applying a filter later in the configuration will limit the function to work only on the values from records that match the filter.

  • Sum will calculate the total of all values in each group.
  • Average will calculate the mathematical average of all values in each group.
  • Max will retrieve the Maximum value in each group
  • Min will retrieve the Minimum value in each group
  • Count will count the records which have a value in the selected field
    • Count is the only function that accepts all types of fields.


  • This is where you select the field that you want the function to run on.


Main Group (Bars)

  • This is the mandatory grouping field, that you can’t create a stacked Bar chart without.
  • Select a field to group the data by, each group will be represented by a bar.
  • If you group by a date field you can also set the frequency
    • Frequency can be Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly
    • Each bar will represent a time frame determined by the frequency (e.g. if you select weekly, each bar will represent a week.)

Secondary Group (Stack)

  • If you select a secondary group, they will show up as Stacks to the stacked Bar
  • Each stack will represent a subset of data from the main group represented by the bar.

Switch grouping

  • You can easily switch Stacks and Bars by clicking the switch button right next to them.

Display Limit

  • Limit how many bars are displayed in the chart.
  • The maximum number of bars you can see in the chart at a time is 100.
  • If there are more groups than the limit the rest of the groups will be all gathered under one bar called others.
  • To better control which bars are showing you can use a mix of Filters and Sorting.
  • The same applies to Stacks as well, with the sub-grouping limit.


  • You can sort your bars either by
    • Value, which will sort based on comparing the value represented in the bars.
    • Legend, which will sort based on bars labels.
    • The same applies to stacks
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