Conditional Permissions

Better manage your processes by controlling access to specific fields based on predefined criteria within a given list.

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Let’s say you want your customer support team to have full access to their client cards while the card is open, but prevent them from editing once the card is closed. Conditional permissions allow you to achieve exactly that.

Conditional Permissions in Action

Let’s apply this scenario to your workspace step by step:

First, grant users permission to edit tickets while they are open:

  1. Under Teams and Permissions, create a team named “Customer Support | Open Tickets”.
  2. Add all relevant users to the team.
  3. Navigate to the Permissions tab.
  4. Add the Client Issue Management app.
  5. Select Custom Permissions.
  6. Go to the Issues list and choose Custom Access.
  7. Add a filter:
  8. Set access level for all fields to "Edit":
  9. Result: The user will have edit access to all fields as long as the ticket is not in "Completed" status.

Second, prevent users from editing tickets once they are closed:

  1. Under Teams and Permissions, create a second team named “Customer Support | Closed Tickets”.
  2. Add all relevant users to the team.
  3. Navigate to the Permissions tab.
  4. Add the Client Issue Management app.
  5. Select Custom Permissions.
  6. Go to the Issues list and choose Custom Access.
  7. Add a filter:
  8. Set access level for all fields to "Read-only":
  9. Result: The user will have read-only access to all fields when the ticket is in "Completed" status, preventing any modifications.

How Conditional Permissions Work

Based on Filters

  1. When a record matches a team’s criteria, that team’s permissions apply. For example, if a ticket is not in "Completed" status, the user can edit all fields.
  2. If the record is updated and now matches a different team, the new team's permissions will take effect. For example, if the ticket is in "Completed" status, the user will have read-only access.
  3. If multiple records are visible, each record's access is determined by the filters it matches.

What If a Record Matches Multiple Teams?

If a user has access to the "Customer Tickets" list through two teams:

  • Team A: Filter - Status is "In Progress"
  • Team B: Filter - Description is not empty

When a record meets both conditions, the highest access level per field is granted. See the example table below:

Field Name Team A Access Team B Access Granted Access
Title Read-only Edit Edit
Status Edit Edit Edit
Assignee Edit Read-only Edit
Description Hidden Read-only Read-only

What If One Team Has No Filter?

If a team has no filter, its condition is always true. As a result:

  • The user can view all records.
  • The highest access level per field from all teams is applied.

Do Conditional Permissions Apply to All Users?

No, conditional permissions only apply to member users. The following users have full access and are not affected:

  • Workspace Owner
  • Super Admins
  • App Owners

If a User is in Multiple Teams with Filters, Which Records Can They View?

The user can see all records that match any of the filters from the teams they belong to.

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